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Congratulations on the successful conclusion of the 2024 Realbom Annual Summit!
Source: | Author:Realbom broadcast | Published time: 2024-09-25 | 73 Views | Share:

2024 RealBom Zhilian Annual Summit

       The 2024 Realbom Annual Summit was grandly held at the Westin Nanjing from September 19th to 21st. Jointly organized by Realbom and Intel, the summit focused on the theme "Intelligent Innovation: AI-Driven Transformation." It brought together leaders and experts from Intel, as well as from industries such as smart retail, smart finance, cybersecurity, smart transportation, and intelligent manufacturing. The attendees gathered to discuss the future development directions and trends of the industry.微信图片_20240923174837.jpg



      The meeting began with a speech by General Manager Liu Yongping of Realbom at the conference. Mr. Liu stated that the development of artificial intelligence and large model technology has brought significant opportunities and challenges to various industries. Amidst this wave, we should enhance our own quality and dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to providing customers with better products and higher quality services.



       Next, Intel China's IoT and Channel Data Center Sales Manager, Zeng Ting, will deliver a speech at this conference. Manager Zeng provided a comprehensive introduction to Intel's current layout and plans, and also stated that Intel will work together with Realbom to jointly promote the development of the industry.


       Entering the keynote speech session, Realbom Product Director Liu Fugang provided a detailed introduction to the company for the guests, giving everyone a comprehensive understanding of Realbom development history, main product lines, and company strengths.


       Intel Corporation, as a global leader in the information technology industry, has a significant influence and guiding role in the future development of the industry with their products and technology planning. Ma Xiaolong, a senior technical expert from Intel's Sales and Marketing Group, delivered a keynote presentation titled "Introduction to Intel's Product Roadmap" to the audience, providing a clearer understanding of Intel's future product planning.


       As an Intel Titanium-level partner, Realbom has always closely followed Intel's lead, continuously rolling out solutions based on Intel's latest platforms for various industries. Liu Fugang, Product Director of Realbom, delivered a keynote speech titled "Introduction to Realbom's New Products Based on Intel Platforms," sharing five new products developed by Realbom for the industries of smart retail, smart finance, network security, smart transportation, and intelligent manufacturing.


Realbom Intelligence's General Manager Liu Yongping and Intel China's Sales Director of the Internet of Things and Channel Data Center Division, Yang Jun, jointly officially launched these five new products.


       A good product plan cannot be successfully implemented without a robust R&D system. Hong Feng, Deputy General Manager of Realbom, delivered a keynote presentation titled "Introduction to Realbom's R&D System," providing a comprehensive understanding of the company's R&D framework.。


       With the rapid convergence and development of artificial intelligence and large model technologies, we are at the dawn of a new era of technological innovation and application explosion, where various industries are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Qian Yi, AI Architect from Intel's Network and Edge Group, delivered a keynote presentation titled "Introduction to Intel's Large Model Applications," providing deeper insights into Intel's large model technologies.



       In addition to the colorful keynote speeches, in the DEMO area, we also showcased the unique products developed by Realbom for various industries, and had in-depth discussions and exchanges with leaders and experts from various industries.


       In two breakout sessions in the retail industry and the transportation industry, leaders and experts from related industries discussed the future development trends of these two industries, pointing out the direction for our future development.





       2024 年 9 月 19 日至 21 日,“2024 锐宝智联年度峰会”在南京威斯汀酒店盛大举行。此次峰会由锐宝智联与英特尔联合举办,主题为“智能创新:AI 引领的变革”。会议邀请了来自英特尔以及轨道交通、网安、金融、军工、零售等各行业的领导和专家,众人汇聚一堂,一同见证锐宝智联全新产品的发布,相互交流最新技术,共同研讨行业发展的方向与趋势,展望行业未来。



      会议开始,由锐宝智联信息有限公司总经理 刘永平 为本次大会致辞。刘总提到,人工智能和大模型技术的发展对行业带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。在这股浪潮之下,我们更应提升自身品质,全心全意的为客户带来更好的产品和更优质的服务。




       2024 年 9 月 19 日至 21 日,“2024 锐宝智联年度峰会”在南京威斯汀酒店盛大举行。此次峰会由锐宝智联与英特尔联合举办,主题为“智能创新:AI 引领的变革”。会议邀请了来自英特尔以及轨道交通、网安、金融、军工、零售等各行业的领导和专家,众人汇聚一堂,一同见证锐宝智联全新产品的发布,相互交流最新技术,共同研讨行业发展的方向与趋势,展望行业未来。



      会议开始,由锐宝智联信息有限公司总经理 刘永平 为本次大会致辞。刘总提到,人工智能和大模型技术的发展对行业带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。在这股浪潮之下,我们更应提升自身品质,全心全意的为客户带来更好的产品和更优质的服务。



        RA-C1010是一款基于英特尔Alder lake-N N97平台的无风扇轻巧型Mini PC,支持16GB的DDR4内存。它具备丰富的I/O接口,包括多个USB、HDMI和LAN端口等,能够满足台式POS一体机的多种硬件应用需求。该产品特别适用于智慧零售系统,提供稳定的计算能力,可靠的网络连接以及独立双屏显示输出,确保数据的实时传输和处理,提升零售行业系统的智能化水平。


       RB-F242是一款基于英特尔Alder lake-N N97平台的Nano-ITX主板,具有四核和3.6GHz的最高频率,支持高达16GB的DDR4内存。它具备两个HDMI独立显示接口和多种I/O端口,支持12V电源输入,非常适合用于POS终端、教育录播和视频会议等领域。该系统不仅具有出色的性能和稳定性,-10-60℃的宽温设计使其还能在恶劣的环境中可靠运行,满足各种工业和商业应用需求。







        接下来由英特尔中国区物联网及渠道数据中心事业部销售经理 曾挺 为本次大会致辞,曾总提到。。。。。。


       锐宝智联信息有限公司产品总监 刘富刚 为各位在座嘉宾带来《锐宝智联公司简介》的主题演讲,刘总从公司介绍、主要产品线介绍、公司优势介绍这三大方面向在场嘉宾们全方位讲解了锐宝智联。



英特尔销售与市场事业部高级技术专家 马小龙  为在座嘉宾带来《英特尔产品路线图介绍》的主题分享,。。。。






       Looking ahead, Realom will continue to work closely with Intel to promote the innovation and application of artificial intelligence and large model technology. We will continue to develop and launch more cutting-edge product solutions, provide excellent technical support and services for industry customers, and help various industries achieve digital transformation and intelligent upgrading.