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Realbom new staff professional ability improvement training
Source: | Author:Realbom | Published time: 2023-10-07 | 334 Views | Share:

Realbom new staff professional ability improvement training course

       Another round of graduation season, Realbom also ushered in a group of new youth blood, in order to let  new employees adapt to the new environment and challenges as soon as possible. The company decided to cooperate with Shenzhen Professional Managers Development Research Association to host the "Realbom new staff professional ability improvement training course ", through this course, I hope our new employees can better adapt to the new workplace environment.

We graduated.

      Class has begun! On September 16, our new employees and some old employees of Realbom came to the conference room of Skyworth Innovation Valley Building 6 to participate in this training on time. The opening teacher is Ms. Wang Yan from Shenzhen Professional Managers Development Research Association. Mr. Wang led us into the professional skills training class with his humorous teaching method.

Class starts  

       The fun pig drawing session, the first lesson of the training, is not as serious as it might seem. Mr. Wang took us to do a little game of drawing pigs to enliven our atmosphere and let us understand each other further. The magic is that the different pigs we draw can also reflect the different personality characteristics of each of us.

Draw a pig game

      Oka - The game. This is an impressive team game. The simple rule is that each person takes turns to pick three cards to introduce their personality, abilities and ideals. Partners spoke enthusiastically, and many colleagues boldly showed themselves on stage. Very interesting, everyone according to their own interests and characteristics to choose the corresponding Oka, in each other's self-introduction at the same time, but also together to show their unique points of light and ideas.

Oka game     

Go on stage

     After several rounds of interesting and meaningful team games, we officially entered Mr. Wang's lecture. Mr. Wang introduced several team games to let us slowly feel the meaning of teamwork and communication,  explained to us the change of roles, teamwork, communication and workplace dress through direct teaching. It makes our new entrants feel very fulfilling and beneficial.

Wang teacher teaching session

Training notes

        Competition is an upward gear. Cooperation is the lubricant of moving forward. We need to compete and cooperate in our work. Only by cooperation can we win, and only by competition can we make progress. Therefore, this day's training course, we are also divided into several groups, groups cooperate with each other, groups compete with each other. Each group of us selected a corresponding post together, and we discussed together what ability the post needed and how to learn. Then, the four groups of us sent a representative to the stage to show, and Miss Wang scored. After the show, we carry out the process of asking each other questions and helping to correct mistakes, and strive to obtain the most cost-effective growth in the most effective golden time.Finally, congratulations to our fourth group for winning the first place in this group competition.

Group presentation

The fourth team won the first place

         After a full day of learning, we finally ushered in the end of the course, we all took a big group photo together, let the camera record this fruitful day." Learning is an endless journey with no end." May you and I live up to our youth!

Large group photo