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Warmly celebrate the 7th anniversary of Realbom
Source: | Author:Realbom | Published time: 2022-07-19 | 812 Views | Share:

Warmly celebrate the 7th anniversary of Realbom

                          On June 10, 2022, Shenzhen Realbom Intellitech Co., LTD will be 7 years old! Stand together regardless of situation for seven 

                    years, do not forget the original aspiration, down-to-earth, and create a miracle! We are grateful to every colleague who contributes 

                    to the development of the company, and to every customer and partner who trusts us!

                          Time flies like an arrow, in the twinkling of an eye, in Shenzhen, a land full of opportunities, challenges and infinite possibilities, 

                   Realbom has taken root, sprouted and flourished for seven years. During this time, the company has experienced setbacks, difficulties, 

                   but also harvested honors and applause, along the way, there are laughter and tears, bitter and sweet. On this road of struggle and 

                   challenge, the family of Realbom Has always been united as one, and faced to the future opportunities and challenges together.

     To celebrate the 7th anniversary of Reebo, the company has prepared a series of activities for us:

     1)7th anniversary office decoration

     2)Distribution of the company's 7th anniversary commemorative dress

     3)7th anniversary and staff birthday party

     4)Photo of all staff on the 7th anniversary

     5)7th anniversary group construction: "Go hand in hand, build dream Voyage" Nan Ao trip

Activity First Stop

Company internal 7th anniversary and employee birthday party

                          At the 7th anniversary and employees' birthday party, Mr. Liu delivered a speech to review the company's development and 

                   achievements in the past seven years, and thanked every employee for their hard work. He hoped that both old and new employees 

                   would regard Realbom as their second home in Shenzhen and look forward to the first and second decade of the company together 

                   with everyone.

Photo of all employees of the Realbom

Activity Second Stop

“Hand in hand, build a dream voyage”

Realbom trip to Nan Ao

Take a bus to the Nan Ao

Arrive at destination,Shijihaijing Hotel in Shenzhen

                         Nan Ao Street, belonging to Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, is located in the southern tip of Dapeng 

                  Peninsula in the east of Shenzhen, surrounded by the sea on three sides, Daya Bay in the east, Dapeng Bay in the west, Pacific 

                  Ocean in the south, facing Hong Kong across the sea, the shortest distance from Hong Kong Pingzhou Island is only 2 nautical 

                  miles, and Dapeng Street in the north, more than 60 kilometers away from Shenzhen city, is the largest street in Shenzhen.

Development activities at the Beach Plaza

                    After arriving at the site and taking a rest, the day's activities will begin

Team Leader Selection (Rubik's Cube)

Team photo, Show the flag, Shout slogans

"Eight people,Two feet"game

“Kangaroo melon transport”game

“Fast scanner”game

“Associative memory, brainstorming”game

                          In the laughter, the team game came to an end, and each team won different points. Then it came to the final challenge 

              of our expansion activity——the F1 dream car building segment, which officially began!!

Assemble the wheel

Fixed chassis

Design of the frame

                          For two hours, each team enthusiastically built their own F1 car. Here are the final results of the four dream teams!

                          A DIY racing car is in front of us, which is the common result of our creativity and efforts. In this process, we have harvested 

                   the happiness brought by teamwork, and we can see the sense of achievement on everyone's face. The sun is setting and it's dinnertime.

Intoxicating twilight

An enjoyable buffet dinner

Karaoke after dinner

                         Surrounded by the ears of tuneful singing, table filled with a variety of food, everyone's laughter is accompanied by the cool 

                  sea breeze and gentle waves waves drifting to the distance. As night falls, our trip to Nan Ao is coming to an end.

“Hand in hand, build a dream voyage”

                         Looking back on the past, a series of ordinary and passionate fragments of history, in front of each of us, gathered into a 

                  history of the development of Realbom Company, a history of Realbom struggle!

                         In the days to come, Realbom will continue to take innovation as the core driving force, with full enthusiasm and efforts, 

                  never forget the original aspiration, surpass ourselves, brave difficulties, scale new heights and create brilliance again.

                         We will redouble our efforts to provide our customers with the best quality products and the most intimate service.

                         Realbom,thank you for accompanying us all the way!